WOHOOOOOOOOOOO!i'm supposed to be studying for my last exam, but oh well..
we students need breaks right? hehe.
can't wait for my holidays in june.yes i do mean the WHOLE OF JUNE.
Isn't it awesome? ^^
so anyway, here's what happened recently.. or quite long ago.
- i bumped into carlye a few days back near atria..
omg. SERIOUS obs memories i tell u =( - SUSHI GROOVE ROCKS!
for those who haven't tried and are still left out with the times, try it. highly recommended. sunway pyramid, one utama, wherever. =D - met up with darling julien a week ago n went for Pasta de Gohan at Sunway Pyramid.
it's a fusion between japanese food n pasta, like unagi spaghetti etc. the portions were pretty small, but the overall taste of pasta was really strong. - i found an italian shop that sells superb food
why superb? because there's only one chef and he's the best. the food there is quite expensive though, about rm30 for one dish. the shop is located in SS2 and called Buena Sera, on one of the row of shops facing outside(the road).
try their seafood pasta, it rocks (or so i've heard cause i tried alfredo pasta)^^ - i met up with my girl in Midvalley
Had to miss a paintball camp/event thing for that, but it was worth it. we watched 'what happened in vegas'. super comedy xD
Quote of the day :
it's not the activity spent with the person that counts, it's who u spend it with
n now it's picture time! hehe.
too lazy to type anymore. =)
Pasta de Gohan
their "green tea" (which is yellow =.=" )
mmmm! desert. tiramisu something.. she ordered. xP
yum yum! =D
baby, i'll never leave u
i need u in my life <3